I think school with its current emphasis on data analysis is getting to me. I find myself looking at this blog and clicking on the data analytics tools that google provides. It catches my attention that the most popular post (by far) is about being an exhibiting artist. As this blog exists to serve members and provide hopefully helpful information, it occurs to me that it would be easy and possibly of interest for members to create a page for members' art (and links to artist web sites).
So, consider this an invitation to send me one or two images (jpegs (not too big- 72 dpi max 3 x 4" and under 1M each). Include your name, school district and the title/dimensions of your art. If you have a link to a website, send that too. Once I receive a few I will create a 'teaching artists' page and post art and websites.
Best email to send questions or images is: alyce@alycegrunt.com.